The Newgrange mirror is based on the entrance of the neolithic monument found at Newgrange Co. Meath Ireland.
The entrance of this fine monument has a doorway over which a roofbox or small opening lets in the light of the sun on the shortest day of the year, the winter solsitce. It travels along the passageway of this stoneage tomb and light up its inner chamber ,which is dome shaped and lined with quartz .
This sight must have been awesome to behold as it provided a magical back drop to any ritual carried out within.
The kerb stones placed round this burial mound are finely decorated with spirals and losenge motifs. The exact meaning of these designs are not known , but it is thought that they are lunar maps or astral calendars.
This mirror is designed and handmade by Colm in studio, to capture the magic and beauty of Newgrange.
The Newgrange mirror is 155mm x 115mm in size and is decorated with a replica of the kerbstone situated infront of the doorway.
When the Druids passed through the doorway of the Newgrange monument it was thought that they passed into the other world. Gaze into the newgrange doorway and find out what lies on the other side?